请问是the food tastes good还是the food is tasted good,为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:43:03
请问是the food tastes good还是the food is tasted good,为什么?

请问是the food tastes good还是the food is tasted good,为什么?
请问是the food tastes good还是the food is tasted good,为什么?

请问是the food tastes good还是the food is tasted good,为什么?

请问是the food tastes good还是the food is tasted good,为什么? 语法some of the food tastes good .为何+s请问tastes为何要+s是因为 the food 是 第三人称 不是 i 或 you the food in that restaurant tastes t_____? The food tastes very ____(salt). The food tastes well这里well对吗? the cold food taste 还是 tastes? 请问the food mother cooked _____very delicious中为什么填tastes The food in this restaurant is in expensive ________ tastes good.请问_______填一个英语单词,是什么?(初三上) all the food ( ) good括号中应填taste还是tastes?tastes是复数还是taste是复数?如何区分第三人称单数和复数? 要正确答案,我想是B,可我老师说是A.The food in this restaurant ( )sweet,but( )bad.A.smells,tastes B.tastes,smells The food tastes _____(good)该填什么 The tasty food tastes very _____ and it sells_____ 改错 The food looks very well and tastes delicious The food tastes( )Agood Bwell Cdelicious Dwonderful 选择并解释. Do you like the food?------Yes,it________A.taste goodB.tastes goodC.taste wellD.tastes well The food tastes --------(taste)than those food The food tastes --------(taste)than those foodIt is ---------------of you to bring all you ------------to us.(think) all the food ( ) good括号中应填taste还是tastes?food这里是否看成复数形势? 有一句话的标答是:with so much food to taste,you can enjoy yourself in the food festival.但是我疑问的是为什么不用with so much food to be tastes.食物不是被吃么,为什么不用被动?