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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:22:34
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1700——1900能买什么手机?想换个手机,2000rmb能买什么安卓手机,不要电池一体的?中关村里面的9300才2099按照这个价位来看能是真机么?有什么方法可以鉴定手机真假? The houses of parliament had been burned down and that's why the great clock was erectsd用if...not是用if...not改写一下 Hey,jake .lookat the woman standing at the school gate.-------------?it must be our english teacher ,MrsGreenNo.--------------------?---------------------------?because she has gone to Beijing for a meeting .------------------------------------------ 翻译:like a preclous picture,you naive smiling face left a deep impression in my how are.. necesery to complete the design before National day?Is__ necesery to complete the design before National day?A.this B.that C.it D.he When your design is done,it is usually necessary to present the results to your client peers,or em机械英语翻译不要有道翻译的 西班牙语物流报关单翻译麻烦哪位懂西班牙语的同学帮忙翻译下,跪谢~~~ 请帮忙翻译“能否将报关单发给我,以便我们接收海关信息?” 每张报关单的性质是不同的怎么翻译? In fact,the happiness is by that oneself to get .有哪些语病. you are handsome as john.you are as handsome asyou are handsome as john.you are as handsome as john.有什么区别? 解释一下for与两个as的用法for as you are as handsome as any of them 《傲慢与偏见》是第一章里伊丽莎白的老爸班纳特先生(Mr.bennet)对她老妈说的话 我有个想法,地球引力可以使人在地球上活动不受地球转动影响,有没有人可以利用这点制造出类似地球引力的类似地球引力的飞船呢. ask your partner how he or she studied for a test帮忙翻译,讲讲语法好吗,谢 With so many distractions,it is easy to forget to pause and take stock.请帮忙翻译, 人能站立在地球上不飞出地球的原因是? 请问,纬度与阳光照射强度有什么关系?刚才看到的 人要怎么做才能飞出地球 人撞地球为什么不会撞飞我们向上跳起以我们以我们为参考系地球以一个速度向我们撞过来他的动量很大为什么人美飞出去 人不借助外物,在地球上, data manipulation operation not legal on this 太阳四季的阳光照射有种说法是夏天的阳光是偏东南的,冬天的是偏西北的,请教下是不是这样的?那春天和秋天的呢? to have been done 有这个形式吗? 《智慧之花》的中心思想 THE NAKED BRAND怎么样 wheel什么意思 steering wheel的意思 英语翻译 It can't have been my new hat.这样的一句句子,没有上下文,怎么分辨它是过去完成时,还是现在完成时啊?新概念第一册130课那么It must have been my dog呢? invention wheel 的意思 threat hon do you like action movie?回答