
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:21:54


For the hotel business, enterprise culture is the soul of business hotel. At present, our company has entered the hotel the globalization of the international market competition, is the enterprise culture, winning the final Nemesis against hotel. Since the reform and opening up, China's rapid development of enterprises, and has formed the national, local and characteristics of the enterprise culture, at the same time we regret, in our hotel, the more advocate cultural industry, though most are in practice, but few can be formed, and enterprise culture, and in the system of scale and climate of the hotel. In order to develop the China hotel, in order to better the internationalization of Chinese hotel brand, we should pay more attention to the practitioners in hotel building of enterprise culture, Chinese restaurant, urge faster development. This paper from the enterprise culture of the concept, function and the necessity, the paper analyzes the existing problems of hotel of enterprise culture, and how to enterprise culture construction of hotel is discussed.

For the hotel business, the corporate culture is the soul of the hotel business. At present, the hotel business has entered the global competition in international markets, cultural victory against a ...


For the hotel business, the corporate culture is the soul of the hotel business. At present, the hotel business has entered the global competition in international markets, cultural victory against a strong enemy in today's online business the ultimate choice. Since the reform and opening up, China's large enterprises develop fast, which are all formed with people, places and characteristics of the era of corporate culture, and very sorry at the same time we are in our hotel industry, Zhege more respect for cultural industries, Sui most of them in practice with, but rarely able to form a system of corporate culture, characteristics, and then in the hotel industry, scale and climate. In order to better development of China's hotel industry,
To the international hotel brand in China, our practitioners should pay attention to the hotel building of enterprise culture, an effort to promote more rapid development of China hotel. In this paper, the concept of corporate culture, function and the need for paper analyzes the existence of the hotel business culture, then how to build hotels on some of corporate culture.


英语翻译对于饭店企业来说,企业文化就是饭店企业的灵魂.目前,我国饭店企业已进入全球化的国际市场竞争,文化制胜是当今饭店企业迎战强敌的最终选择.改革开放以来,中国大批企业快速发 英语翻译企业文化与企业的命运息息相关,企业需要企业文化,而企业文化又蕴含于企业的运营当中.因此,企业要获得成功,就要重视企业文化的发展.但是,企业文化在中国的发展并不成熟,很多 对于我来说:“篮球就是我的生命的英语翻译 英语翻译对于他们来说 英语翻译就是《五星饭店》那个? 英语翻译或许,对于世界来说你不算什么,但对于rainbow和dangerous来说你就是整个世界 英语翻译对于世界来说,你也许仅仅就是一个人.但是对于某一个人,你就是一个世界.对于世界来说,你也许仅仅就是一个人.但是对于我来说,你就是一个世界.就这两句谢谢 对于我来说,用英语翻译 英语翻译1.对于我来说, 英语翻译论企业文化在企业管理中的作用【摘 要】:论述了企业文化和企业管理的定义及企业文化在企业管理中的的作用,并根据我国企业的企业文化和企业管理的现状,探讨了如何使企业文 英语翻译企业文化是企业的精神反映.优秀的企业文化是企业可持续发展的重要条件之一.企业文化是企业核心竞争力的基础.企业核心竞争力来自于管理和技术.而管理和技术靠的是企业文化. 对于医生来说,时间就是 ,对于商人来说,时间就是 ,对于工人来说,时间就是 ,对于学 英语翻译企业文化是企业的灵魂,烟草行业企业文化对企业的生存发展至关重要.伴随烟草行业兼并重组的新形势,培育优秀的企业文化成为了我国烟草企业走可持续发展之路的一种战略选择.通 英语翻译翻译下面的一段话:论述了企业文化定义及我国企业对文化建设的认识,并根据我国企业的企业文化现状,探讨了如何构建企业文化.为企业快速,稳定的发展提供条件.还有翻译:我国 领导文化就是企业文化吗?若企业换了领导文化该怎么办? 对于我国企业来说,提高汽车市场竞争力的根本途径是什么 对于我来说,你就是空气. 英语翻译中文摘要随着信息时代和知识时代的来临,企业越来越重视自身的企业文化建设.本文通过界定企业文化和企业竞争优势的概念及关系,得出企业文化是企业竞争优势的主要构成部分,其