关于天气的英语作文 带翻译 五十词左右

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/03 23:04:15
关于天气的英语作文 带翻译 五十词左右

关于天气的英语作文 带翻译 五十词左右
关于天气的英语作文 带翻译 五十词左右

关于天气的英语作文 带翻译 五十词左右
When it is summer in JiangNan,the weather changes very quick.Maybe in the morning,you feel it is cloudy and decide to go shopping then.After lunch,it has been dark outside.But the rain goes like it comes.Only a little minutes,the sun comes out.You can go shogging then if you are not afraid of the hot summer.

The weather in Beijing is really nice In spring,it gets warmer and warmer.And the wind sometimes is very strong.And in summer,the weather starts getting hotxIt rains a lot in summer. The weather is al...


The weather in Beijing is really nice In spring,it gets warmer and warmer.And the wind sometimes is very strong.And in summer,the weather starts getting hotxIt rains a lot in summer. The weather is always changing in summerxAnd in fall,it''s very coolxOf course people need to put on the thellock clothes.In winter,vfjfgjdhjsdjjdj dsjdhsjdjsnc fdxxas cdscs cdsedf .


我们家的“天气”呀总是像天平一样,忽风忽雨,忽晴忽阴,忽明忽暗。而控制这“天气”的不是别人,正是我、妈妈和爸爸这“哼哈嘿三将”。 ①风、雨、雷、电控制者——“哼大将”妈妈 天气情况:“呼呼——”一阵“狂风”(眉毛倒立)突然袭来,只见妈妈的脸上“闪过”一道道“闪电”(怒目圆睁),在“天空”(白净的脸)中颤抖了两下。如一万个铁球在样板上滚动的“雷声”(生气的指责声),不停地“轰隆轰隆”。倾...


我们家的“天气”呀总是像天平一样,忽风忽雨,忽晴忽阴,忽明忽暗。而控制这“天气”的不是别人,正是我、妈妈和爸爸这“哼哈嘿三将”。 ①风、雨、雷、电控制者——“哼大将”妈妈 天气情况:“呼呼——”一阵“狂风”(眉毛倒立)突然袭来,只见妈妈的脸上“闪过”一道道“闪电”(怒目圆睁),在“天空”(白净的脸)中颤抖了两下。如一万个铁球在样板上滚动的“雷声”(生气的指责声),不停地“轰隆轰隆”。倾盆大雨随即下起…… 变化过程:“哼,帮你新买的裙子怎么又弄脏了?”妈妈听了我断断续续的话语,看着我那“遍地开了花”的裙子,眉毛像倒插的两把剑似的倒立着。我一脸恐慌,不知所措地点点头:“恩,恩……”妈妈那本不大的眼睛,一下子睁得比动画片里的动漫人物的眼睛还大,猛地一拍桌子:“哼,我们赚钱容易吗?你就这样糟蹋……”我顿时感到一阵寒意,不由自主地缩了缩脖子。 ②温度情况控制者——“哈大将”爸爸 温度情况:温度均达到40摄氏度,烈日快要把马路给烤焦了。树上的知了低声地叫着“热死了,热死了”。路边的梧桐树纷纷无力地低下了脑袋。“呼呼——”家家户户的空调风扇全都开始运转了。 变化过程:爸爸满面笑容地一路小跑回了家,一边使劲地敲着门,一边大声嚷嚷道:“哈哈,我买彩票中奖喽!中了个大奖呀!”我听了爸爸的话,连忙打开了门。只见爸爸挥舞着手里的彩票,身体左右摇晃着,高兴地说:“哈哈,我中了三千元呢!”我和妈妈也咧开了嘴,一个劲地夸爸爸“真厉害”。房间里的温度顿时升高了十几度。我们三个人都像被烈日暴晒了一样,脸胀得通红通红,我飞快地摁下了空调,开始庆祝爸爸中奖。 ③灿烂阳光控制者——“嘿大将”我 大地情况:一缕又一缕的阳光洒了下来,像给大地染上了一层金色。万物顿时充满了生机,都微笑着向我点头致意。尤其是正盛开的向日葵,更是跟着我团团转。 变化情况:“嘿嘿,我语文考试又是全班第一!”我拿着手中几乎找不到红叉叉的试卷,得意地向爸爸妈妈炫耀着。爸爸妈妈连忙接过我手中的试卷,仔细地看了起来,还不时夸奖道:“考得不错,考得不错”。这时,家里的一切东西都仿佛有了活力。“妈妈,我要吃KEC!”妈妈眼睛眨都不眨:“好,好,马上就带你去哦!”我又微笑着转向爸爸:“爸爸嘛,嘿嘿,你就帮我买本马小跳吧!”爸爸重重地点了点头:“买,买,马上就帮你去买!”我满意地说:“这还差不多!” 当然,在我们家里,出现的较多的是第②③种情况,风和日丽、阳光明媚的日子最好了!


The weather in Beijing is really nice In spring,it gets warmer and warmer.And the wind sometimes is very strong.And in summer,the weather starts getting hotxIt rains a lot in summer. The weather is al...


The weather in Beijing is really nice In spring,it gets warmer and warmer.And the wind sometimes is very strong.And in summer,the weather starts getting hotxIt rains a lot in summer. The weather is always changing in summerxAnd in fall,it''s very coolxOf course people need to put on the thellock clothes.In winter,it''s cold----that''s for surexAnd it snows a lotxAnd the sight is very beautiful!I like the weather in Beijing!
