
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 08:59:18
书上有这么一句话:If this is not possible,the 26-year old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food.这句话中出现了"spend sth at sth to do sth"的用法,可我从来没遇到过这种用法." either用于一般疑问句吗 英语翻译:这个seminar是必须参加的吗 参加研讨会的英文翻译是什么?participate in seminar 谁能把该死的温柔歌词前面的英语变成汉语 英语翻译RT,就是下面的两段英文.I put it down on my life.That I love you from the bottom of my heart.Cause you the sweetest thing ever in my life.I cry So many times.So many true lies.But I'm the one that will never ever make you cry and c Dig you plant trees before 怎么回答?还有What trees did you plant?2,When did you plant then?3,Why did you plant them? 求罗斯福个人简介(英文版)由汉语翻译的也行啊 谁有安南英文版的个人简介哦 本人急需“山东临沂城市简介的英文版”. seo search engine marketing详细解释?seo search engine marketing主要工作是什么,有没有专门的seo search engine marketing公司 PLATO SYMPOSIUM怎么样 抱鸡婆扯媚眼是什么意思啊? PLATOS SYMPOSIUM怎么样 symposium怎么读? THE SYMPOSIUM怎么样 报任安书段落赏析太上不辱先,其次不辱身,其次不辱理色,其 次不辱辞令,其次诎体受辱,其次易服受辱,其次关木索,被棰楚受辱,其 次剔毛发,婴金铁受辱,其次毁肌肤,断支体受辱,最下腐刑极矣. (I don't know why I met you,I have a warm feeling,although we broke up for almost two years.But I still love you.Can we start again.I really love you.(British) believe me.)翻译中文 销售员的工资总额=基本工资+奖励工资.月销售定额10000元,销售定额内,基本工资200元某公司为提高销售人员的积极性,制定了新的工资分配方案.新的方案规定每位销售人员的工资=基本工资+奖 可以把be as one的;链接给我么? workshop 和 garage有没有区别? 左右逢源 spray怎么读 spray的p怎么发音 in charge 和 in charge of有什么区别?如题~这两个有什么区别啊? 不可与碱性剂混用翻译成英语是 SEO 的英文 Search Engine Optimization求发音.. 贵州人口中的“吆儿”是什么意思?拜托了各位 谢谢 Thomas Edison had made the first motion pictures. more corns对吗?corn是可数的吗?我查了有复数啊?more corn and more corns ,which is correct? 高中英语--When it saving energy big changes start with small steps like turning off thWhen it comes to saving energy ,big changes start with small steps like turning off the lights. 当今世界上有哪些有名的黑人?