
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:53:13
青铜葵花读后感 I catch a cold 关于教师节作文题目别太幼稚 有关孝心的诗句 语文关于孝敬的古诗 青铜葵花 的读后感不要多 200字就够了 急 英语的宾语从句16.We think that it’s important for us to learn English well.We think _________ _________ _________ __________ English well.17.I don’t know why they are standing there.I don’t know _________ they are standing there ________ 关于英语的宾语从句!把下列句子改为宾语从句!.will you go to the cinema this evening?I wonger_________________________________________________2."I have visited Beijing three times,"he said to Rain.____________________________________ 大方的近义词,请问是什么? 乐观豁达的近义词 大方 近义词 孝道的诗句如:树欲静而风不止,子欲孝而亲不在. 谁有关于孝道的古诗句?今晚9点之前回答 求四年级400字以下将心比心作文,_百度知道 四年级作文150字 - 百度 I feel so much happyness and sadness .这句话feel的宾语是什么? I feel so sadbecause of him.And I do.Now I am so lost in him.He is far too smarter than me,so distinguishing,so cute and so weird that I can't help to...(be curiorious to know more about him)The thing is he belongs to someone else.That's why I would 豁达的近义词是不是大方啊?是不是大度啊? 豁达的近义词!急 豁达近义词 甲、乙、丙三个数平均数90,甲:乙=3:2,乙:丙=4:5三数各多少 甲乙丙三个数的平均数是90,甲:乙=3:2,乙:丙=4:5,.三个数各是多少? 在三角形ABC中,oosA=-5/13,cosB=3/5(1) 求sinC的值(2) 设BC=5,求三角形ABC的面积是cosA=-5/13 打错了~ 【急!】这题怎么做啊(要具体解题过程)某人乘船由A地顺流而下到B地,然后又逆流而上按原路返回到C地,共乘船4小时.已知船在静水中速度为每小时7.5km,水速为每小时2.5km.如果A、C两地之间距 If I stayed ( )for seveal days,I couldn't concentrate ( ) my work.A on,inB with,atC up,onD in,to句子翻一下并选下选几 i have got ___work to do on sunch a ___cold dayA much too;much too B too much; too muchc too much; much too D much too; too much 西游记精彩句子 I work my house ,so I work to work every day 谁有古诗《逢入京使》的翻译啊!岑参写的! 《逢入京使》古诗文. Nancy didn't ------ she had made a mistake until the next day.A find B.realize C.remember D.tell应该选什么,理由是什么,我知道它是与短暂性动词连用,可是它到底改选哪个? 汉武帝最喜欢他哪个儿子