
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:49:40
going shopping,为什么shopping还要加ing?赶着要, many people are shopping in the large shopping going shopping 和go shopping区别请问going shopping 和go shopping在用法上有什么区别? 英语特殊单词(如people)的复数形式有哪些? 谁能帮我把 衣服 翻译成英文?(复数) hundred的序数词 a hundred 序数词网上乱七八糟的 跪求高手指导(一定要是准确的!)① a hundred 的序数词 是the hundredth 还是 the one hundredth 还是the a hundredth 还是hundredth② 另外 two hundred // three hundred // four hundred. hundred的序数词是什么? hundred如何变序数词 Nowadays,more and more people _______ (love) singing karaoke. THe people who regard themselves as more enlightened.怎么翻译?尤其是regard themselves as more enlightened.怎么翻译 需要具体的.给具体详细的翻译最佳答案 英语翻译Reading:A pioneer for all peopleAlthough he is one of China's most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer,for he works the land to do his research.Indeed,his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body are just lik A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE这篇翻译下? 求A pioneer for all people第一段原文!英语必修4unit2的课文 英语书忘带.. It is a piace for people of all ages翻译 Doing some reading is for all people 怎样译? one in a million和one in a hundred的区别 I am not a casual person,not just with people怎么翻译? million 的用法和hundred一样吗? 英语翻译这是一个专辑的名字,有更深的含义吗,这些都是表面意思啊 I am a people. I am a real person of the people是什么意思 People see a little of her in each of us翻译一下吧? 英语翻译When people think of tigers,they think:strong and dangerous.But now,the big animal is calling for our help.There were once eight kinds of tigers in the world,but three died out during the 20th century.In the last 70 years,the number of Si 英语翻译A group of people askedthis question to a group of 4-to-8-year-old children."Whatdoes love mean?" Theanswers were surprising.The children would answerlike they did below."When my grandmother hurt her knees(膝盖),she couldn't bend(弯腰 英语国际音标中是不是没有w这个音标?我说的是音标,而不是字母26个字母中,为什么只有w没有成为音标? 新标准英语九上单词表越快越好!要有短语的!可以只有短语,最好还有九年级上的语法知识(没有也行) 但一定要有短语 可以没有单词 新标准英语一年级起点第七册单词表? 新标准英语第七册重点词汇与句型急求小学英语新标准第七册重点词汇与句型 :新标准英语第11册单词(只是单词表上的单词就可以了)附:汉语意思 为什么多了35美金 英文翻译 she always take a bus home.提问对 take a bus 提问