
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:36:08
反SD序列的名词解释 求名词解释:-10序列和-35序列 sitting grandam is chair on Lily's the mondy school from go to to friday we 连词成句 从Lily's the开始是下一个句子 三国演义中有名的战例有?写三个 《三国演义》中有名的战例还有哪些? 写出三国演义中以弱制强的两次著名战例 how should our college life going?studying hard to get high marks in the exams,and then forget clearly,should our college life be like this?i don't wonna to be a kid without any skills when i leave school.how about the life in the foreign countries?a 我________________(无可奈何) 用 "无可奈何 " 造句☺ 请问:I don't know how to do this problem.中how to do this problem在句子中做什么成分? The car has an engine relatively powerful to its weight.分析下结构 Paul has(修理)the car i am afraid your answer is ___you should corect it(correct) 骆驼祥子在烈日和暴雨下 好词好句老舍的骆驼祥子在烈日和暴雨下.好词10个,好句5个.快.好词好句 英语翻译community一般是指外国那些好几户独立人家连起来的社区一样的地方,但中国好多居民楼(公寓楼)会有一个名称:某某小区,比如米巷小区之类的,这样的小区二字该怎么翻译呢? 英语翻译我的地址是江苏省常州市体育花苑8幢甲单元501我自己翻译的英文地址为Room 501 1st uint 8th Building Sports Garden Changzhou Jiangsu China,从国外寄过来的邮件一封都没有收到!甲单元翻译成1st unit 卧室内的镜子应如何安放在卧室门左手边放着一排大衣柜,但大衣柜与卧室门还有间距80厘米,空间还算比较宽敞,想在这个空间上挂一部镜子,当梳妆镜,因为橱比较大,再加上整个房间比较长,所 It's dangerous ______( chase)each other I the carridon.怎么填,为什么这么填? 在卧室放一面镜子会怎么样? 英语翻译俊景豪园 要翻译成英文的话是翻译成Jungjing District还是直接翻译成 Jungjing Haoyuan?还有 福田区 要怎么翻译 江南才子唐伯虎英语怎么说, UNICEF works to make the lives of childen better.我们老师讲life解释为生活的时候不可数,为什么用复数 where(does)your mother works?为什么不用is 什么叫 感怀身世? we ofter chat with each other in the classroom.用now改写句子 《滕王阁序》作为一篇赠序文,借登高之会感怀时事,慨叹身世,是富于时代精神和个人特点的真情流露,它的 国庆感怀 (1/2)英语问题:同义句改写 The two dogs Iike to chase each other sometimes.=The t 用“不但.只要.而且.就.只是.而已.也罢.无奈.”造句 已知,/3x+2x+3/+(2x-4y-14)²=0,求x、y的值快,好的加60分、块! His father decided that he wouldn't smoke again 同义句答题He father ______ ______ _______smoke again She decided that she wouldn't start for London.She decided () () () about it. 我现在是全班倒数第几名了,怎样能使成绩提高?