
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:54:56
Henry ( ) be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now.a.mustn't b.isn't able toc may not d can't 为什么不选c,意思不是有可能吗? 我不禁想用_____、______等成语来形容母校谁先回答追问给谁满意答案 表达对母校老师的感情用哪个成语 he( )not be there.I saw him in you home just now just now 和 just 的区别 狼王梦是谁写的 狼王梦是谁写的我还不知道呢 狼王梦谁写的 《狼王梦》是谁写的 狼王梦主要写了什么,急你是抄的吧 I can fly kites seven years ago.did you saw him just now?改正错句 小苏打的妙用 小苏打在生活中有什么妙用呢?最好科学一点,要有科学根据. 改错:1 I can fiy kites seven years ago 2 Did you saw him just now?3 Who find it just now? 古诗阅读 送友人 【送友人】李白 【诗的内容我就不说了,抓紧时间啊】这是一首送别诗,送别的地点是______.请简要描绘送别地的景致答:________________.本诗“挥手自兹去,萧萧班马鸣”主要表 小苏打在生活中叫什么?小苏打和见面一样吗? I can fly kites seven years ago.这句话错在哪里?为什么 《送友人》中李白哪句诗说明了与朋友依依不舍?在最后两句中! we can fly kites seven years ago. I can fly kites when I was seven years old 改错 送友人(李白) 那一句让我们体会到朋友之间的真情.那 浮云游子意 落日故人情 呢 我们考试很多人都写这个的阿.那正确答案到底是什么? 造句:I've just. 急需100字初1暑假日记速度15篇啊 记得不要跟网上的一样否则我不会要的!! People usually hate mice,but people almost all over the world like one mouse----- the famous Mickey Mouse.Fifty years ago,most films had no sounds.A man called Walt Disney made a cartoon mouse.The cartoon mouse could talk in these films.He named his 本人的女儿急需一篇关于茉莉花的描写的作文.字数在500字左右. "六级568,BEC中级A,BEC高级B" 请我这种情况,考口译可以直接考二级口译吗,我怕浪费钱!”尤其是内行的哥哥姐姐们, 茉莉如何描写 when i saw him,he was doing his homework in the classroom 同义句I saw —— ——his homework in the classroom The book was read by many people all over the world请高手翻译全句.词组写下来本人总是看不同顺.all over the world。all over i,was,just,now,doing,homework I helped him _____ his homework.A.doing B.do C.did D.does 上海居民用电价格第一档用完还有电吗 心经里的“是诸法空相”有什么含义?