
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:36:26
about think about doing的意思 一位香港游客利用假期,乘火车来哈尔滨旅游,短短几天就感受到了一年四季的变化那他来旅游时恰逢的节日应是 "what you ___(do)?"my lanylady asked."I 'm leaving,Mrs Lynch,"iI answered. 描写改革开放的成语有什么?急`加急! If they don't get ____ candy ,they will play a trick ____ their neighbours 像what about+doing的叫什么 线段AB=20厘米.(1)点P沿线段AB自A点向B点以2厘米每秒的速度运动,同时点Q沿线段BA自B点向A点以3厘米每秒的速度运动,几秒钟后,P、Q两点相遇?(2)AO=PO=2厘米,∠POQ=60度,现点P绕着点O以30 -It's raining hard,I'm sfraid I'll miss the train if I wait here -Can I give you a ___?A hand B lift C movement D drive time time agin you ask me,问我到底爱不爱你,请问这首歌叫什么名字? time and time agine you ask me的歌词 Their school seems quite different from___ten years ago.A.what was itB.what it wasC.that it was请问各位大虾,选择什么呢? at different school还是in different school 一首英文歌~女的唱的~on baby on the door一首现在还可以的~是有句歌词里面好象是~on baby on the door~ 要想藏树叶就到森林里去,没有森林就自己制造一片和犯罪手法有关(回答不少于300字,可用英文) 一年四季有哪几个季节? 一年四季是指哪几季? 选择题:______when to start out,he went to ask his captainwhen to start out,he went to ask his captain1.Not to know 2,Don't know 3,Not knowing 4,Not known主要请解释这句话的结构! 为什么会有一年四季呢拜托各位大神 为什么会有一年四季求大神帮助 把一堆皮球分装在四个盒子里,其中1/3放入甲盒,1/5放入乙盒,放入丙盒的皮球是甲、乙盒皮球总数的75%,丁盒放要算式 一堆皮球分装4个盒子五分之一放入甲盒三分之一放入乙盒放入丙盒的是甲乙之和的四分之三丁放入10个共几个? He spent several minutes in________(考虑)before deciding.原因 Detectives have spent several months ____ (收集)evidence. 张明今年y岁,她比爸爸小24岁,3年后她和爸爸共多少岁? ( )the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him.A.wanting the job very much B.al...( )the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him.A.wanting the job very much B.although wanting the job badly C.though he wanted the job very much D.h _,the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him.A.wanting the job very much B.althoiugh wanting the job badly C.though he wanted the job very much D.he wanted the job badly我觉得B也很对呀 Wanted the job very much,the idea of working under a woman frustrated him.如何翻译? 为什么说“城市交通问题是一个系统工程问题”?试从各种媒体上再找出3~5种关于系统工程的说法.《系统工程引论》这么课程的一道题 求介绍联想手机传输软件 问下城市交通系统都包括哪些啊?比如说轨道交通,公交,立交桥,还有哪些哦, 再别康桥仿写再别母校