
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:04:51
Great to see you 很高兴见到大家英文怎么说?Great to see you,everyone对么?很高兴见到大家英文怎么说?Great to see you,everyone对么? 谁能帮我写个作文,题目是回顾过去,展望未来? 英语翻译英语人工翻译,这篇文章主要告诉我们作者通过自己的经历,她坚持每天步行减肥,最终成功地减肥,这告诉我们坚持的重要性 卖家电的,应该叫卖什么? 2006年5月份在韩国某小学发生了女老师在家长面前下跪的事件.这句话有语病么? There's a woman lying dead.这句话的句子成分是什么?lying dead 什么词性? Stop .Listen!What do you hear You may hear many different sounds .Some of those sounds may be nouse .Noise is a loud or unwanted sound .Noise can be caused by many kinds of machines ,such as motorcycles ,jet planes ,farm tractors (拖拉机).rock There was an envelope lying___the floor.用适当的介词填空 you order the goods arrive after about a week,receive please reply,hope can continue to cooperaB级短文翻译 有没有关于形容女子绝色美貌的句子 形容女子美貌的句子古代的,唯美一点的 different between blue litmus and red litmus I received one thousand dollars from my mother,_ just the amount I needed to pay for the rent.A.which were B.which was C.it was D.those were 春天里开的花都有哪些是红色的~大红 春天里开的花都有那些呢! 关于“公园里的花都开了”的作文片段 My一brother —in—law is a famous_______.(art) it needed us to observe the nature of the things for us to study the perspective relation thin这个英文什么意思? thin的英文意思 thin的意思 thin什么意思 thin中文意思 He may know the famous doctor(同义句)_____ he _____the famous docotor 译:the result of race that has yet to be run.that后面的用法很奇怪呀,应该怎么理解? 阿曼苏丹国 it's good to run fast,but it's better to win the race. 阿曼苏丹国在那里? 已知a²+5b²-4ab-4b+4=0则a+b=?kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 阿曼在哪? -a^2-4b^2+4ab