
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:03:07
He finally confessed his crime.他终于认罪了.改成he confessed finally his crime如果把finally放在句首或句尾意思不变吗? Reluctant to 根据释义,拼写单词 _____ a cut in price i,c,o,s,d,n,u,t here is the photo( )my family.选择:in,on,for,of,under,between,at,behind please put your books ( )the backpack 选择:in,on,for,of,under,between,at,behind 英语分析句子成分the search for missing sailor wasabandoned after two days. children who are tired usually ___ sleepA can B may C need D must 什么是Target_Market_Segment_Strategy? segment的中文意思 用英语解释inherent用简单的句子解释inherent(与生俱来的 ),让人们能理解这个单词的意思 数学上的inherent 如题~ intrinsic inherent 和 essential 作为本质的固有的意思时的区别? market profile是什么意思?如题,感觉profile这个词意思比较抽象. Tom played a joke on himself. Oh,Mike played a joke on himself. Since being faced with sth这里面的being的用法对吗觉得being要删去 类似于when faced with.的用法 innate和inherent的具体区别.求解答最好有例句说明 请问 inherent 与intrinsic ,innate的区别在哪里?最好有例句说明一下. 开头的歌词是you are so quiet的英文歌歌名,女生唱的开头是you are so quiet,but nothing...后面的听不清楚了,只记得结尾处是反复的I do all for you,I do all for you, 韩国人和日本人为什么讲话时不时插个英语啊?词汇量不够吗? 日本人学的是什么式的英语为什么日本人英语发音和中国不一样?如守护甜心里梦想dream,我们念坠m,他们念杜丽m,这是哪国的英语? LITTLE INDIA RESTAURANT怎么样 小印度 LITTLE INDIA怎么样 Little India 歌词 LITTLE INDIA KUALA LUMPUR怎么样 求金俊秀you are so beatiful , you are beatiful you are beatiful 是什么歌中的歌词you are beatiful My life is brilliant.My love is pure.I saw an angel.Of that I'm sure.She smiled at me on the subway.She was with another man.But I won't lose no sleep on that,'Cause I've got 求YOU ARE BEATIFUL的中文歌词My life is brilliant.My love is pure.I saw an angel.Of that I'm sure.She smiled at me on the subway.She was with another man.But I won't lose no sleep on that,'Cause I've got a plan.You're beautiful.You're beautiful. 有没有一首歌里面有“You are beautiful .you are beatiful"?是广告了的吧,不清楚,好像是 go thought是什么意思 LITTLE HANOI怎么样 LITTLE SINGAPORE RESTAURANT怎么样