
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:52:46
——everyone here today?A.Be B.Are C.Is D.Am GOOD morning 中文意思是什么 good morning kiss还是 morning RT 谁知道这句英文是什么意思 good morning? Japan is the only country _ the tea ceremony is held while people are drinking tea这个为什么不是定语从句?A where B that C which D for which 为什么选C呢 System怎么读?和翻译 英语翻译教育体制翻译为:education system 还是educational system 两个都可以吗?为什么? while traveling in Sichuan ,you can't miss ____people call "the Nation Treasure " __Giant panda请说明解题思路 While intelligent people can often ______ the complex,a fool is more likelWhile intelligent people can often ______ the complex,a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.A.sacrifice B.substitute C.simplify D.survive 英语翻译Checking file system on H:The type of the file system is FAT.One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency.Youmay cancel the disk check,but it is strongly recommendedthat you continue.Windows will now check the disk.Volume Serial 用be动词的适当形式填空 Who_____not here today?Everyone_____here,but Liu Mei and Rose____not here 我遇见一歌不知道什么名字,第一句好像是:My oh my do you want see goodbay Everyone is here We must ___there quickly A.to walk B.walk C.walk to D.walking 马,兔,海龟,蜻蜓,天鹅,蝙蝠,螃蟹,蜈蚣 各个的生活环境.好象有点难,但拜托了```` help 急把三片载玻片分别放在酒精灯上烘干,可以看到在其中的两片载玻片上留下了结晶物质,这就是无机盐.假设试管A中是蒸馏水,则滴加了试管A中溶液的载玻片上会有结晶物质吗? 请翻译句子:The tone of this article is _____. 初中数学竞赛题 HELP~~过等腰直角三角形ABC的直角顶点C作直线L,过A,B分别作AD垂直L于D,BE垂直L于E,已知AD=5,BE=3,则DE长为? 英语翻译 翻译一句话This article, based on the results of an industrial survey covering 62 companies conducteThis article, based on the results of an industrial survey covering 62 companies conducted in a developing country, looks at the extent to which b 尼罗河是世界第几大河 Is everyone here today?同义句 Everyone is here today.同义句We ( )( )here today Is everyone here today的同义句 Is everyone here today?(改为同义句) 有没有人可以告诉我彩票有规律吗?可是很多人研究彩票多少都会中的啊,还说的有头有尾的. Is everyone here today?的同义句为什么 一句话里面可以出现两个的两个动词都要改成过去式吗?(中间有逗号有and和没有又有区别吗?)比如:我昨天参观了北京.能不能翻译成Yesterday I went to visited Beijing 英语中肯定句过去时有两个动词,是两个单词都要过去式吗?(无and)都要变成过去式吗? 在一个阴湿山洼草丛中,有一根长满苔藓的腐木,其中聚集着蚂蚁,蚯蚓,蜘蛛,老鼠等动物.下面有关叙述,正确的组合是( )1阴湿山洼的草丛是一个生态系统 2阴湿山洼的草丛中蚂蚁是消费者 3阴 在做反义疑问句时(如:They must work hard,need they?)时,否定词常见的有什么?什么情况下一定要有固定的问句部分?还有像我上面例句的MUST后的问句要用肯定的有哪些词?Please help me I will thanks so mu 英语口语如何快速提高?