、计算机是信息处理系统的核心设备。它在信息系统中所起的作用不会是( )。

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:03:51
、计算机是信息处理系统的核心设备。它在信息系统中所起的作用不会是(    )。
jim,----(not look)out of the window in class. 动词适当填空 问个问题:bookstore,cinema,is,west,of,the,the,(.)帮我连词成句~~~拜托各位大神 英语变感叹句.1、He is really heavy . 2、He feels happy. 3、She looks very beautiful. 4、It is raining very hard. 5、Jack speak English quite quickly. 6、It is a hot day today . 7、They had a terrible trip . 8、It is bad wea I'll stay here until everyone else comes back.这里I'll stay here until everyone else comes back. east,cinema,of ,it ,is,the The dookstore is east of the cinema.的上一句是什么? 一个人照完1寸照片后,又想照一张2寸照片,摄像师应该使_____A照相机远离人,镜头往前伸B照相机远离人,镜头往后缩C照相机靠近人,镜头往前伸D照相机靠近人,镜头往后缩讲一下为什么,镜头跟暗 自己用家用数码相机如何拍摄出合适的1寸、2寸照片? 企业组织中的激励机制 英语怎样翻译 The phone rang ( )I was doing my homework?A when B while 为什么选择B 而不是A doing my homework 是否可以换成on my homework 把下列英语句子改为感叹句.1.The sun is bright.2.The book is very interesting.3.She writes English well.4.It's a tall tree.5.He is a fot man.6.He has a nice story-book.7.The classroom is clean.8.the elephant.9.she is a happy girl.10.It's a 英语1.将下列句子改为感叹句.(1)The man is tall.(2)He looks tired.(3)He drives fast.(4)Dad has many books.(5)I'm happy to meet you here.(6)It's a fine day.(7)It's a bad news.(8)The weather is bad.(9)It is a wonderful show.(10)Th SAT是什么, 用SAT成绩怎么申请香港的大学? 英语翻译或者帮忙找一篇有关知识型员工激励方面的外文文献 SAT IE题两道.The new system,which (uses) remote cameras (in the catching of) (spending motorists),(may undermine) the police department's authority.Although the politican was (initially) very sensitive to (be criticized) by the press,he (quickly b He has few friend here 的反义疑问词是什么. 根本不 翻译 (英文) g-rated film 是什么 【句型转换】He is pretty healthy.(变同义句) Are these your new rulers?中为什么填these Oh,dear!The glass is(break)用所给词的正确行式填空 填空he was a_ at his son is breaking the window 一道很弱智的六年级应用题一批水果,上午运走总数的四分之一,下午运走14吨,还剩总数的五分之二没有运,这批水果有多少吨?··········别用方程! 对数函数弱智计算题一道~7^lg20+(0.5)^lg0.7 的值 东西南北两条路交叉成直角,甲在十字路口的南边,距离路口1500米处,乙在十字路口,甲由南往北,乙由东向西同时出发,甲还没有到路口,两人距离路口中心的距离相等,又走了45分钟后,两人又距离 product有乘积的意思,求造句,15是3和5的乘积 the quality of the product 造句 Lucy said,“My bike is broken”________________ MyLucy said,“My bike is broken”________________My father said to me,“please go to school early.”_____________Mr Wang said ,“Jim is a good boy”______________ 三角函数的定义域怎样才关于原点对称?详细说明下,最好举个例子. y=cos(π/4+x)关于原点对称的函数是什么?说一说三角函数原点对称的转换是怎么做的?