
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 00:00:44
杜牧的清明描写了一副怎样的场景(详细)急! 戚继光的名人名言dadada 戚继光抗倭的原因?概括?为什么说戚继光是民族英雄? 开头是come on you said you said you love me是什么歌女生说的一首英文歌~ 《民族英雄戚继光》的课文主要内容 在摆渡老人短文中,摆渡老人在孩子们眼里是什么样的形象 Don't be angry with Tom.He's____a little boy.(_ _ s_) I became angry with the little boy at his facetious remarks. The little child was angry with the big boy because he was saying dirty words to him详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案 What_(do) you do I_(sing) songs.I am a_(sing)填什么? 《摆渡》这篇文章的阅读答案!摆 渡高晓声有四个人到了渡口,要到彼岸去.这四个人:一个是有钱的,一个是大力士,一个是有权的,一个是作家.他们都要求渡河.摆渡人说:“你们每一个人,都要 The man must be very angry --- his daughter,---?A.about,isn't sheB.with ,isn't ,mustn't sheD.with,mustn't he 这里为什么选B而不是D呢?这里有情态动词must啊!请说明为什么这样填? I wish I could unsay the sharp words to him .He must sad very much .And I have realised that I was谁给翻译下 摆渡阅读答案有四个人到了渡口,要到彼岸去. 这四个人:一个是有钱的,一个是大力士,一个是有权的,一个是作家.他们都要求渡河. 摆渡人说:“你们每一个人,都要把自己最宝贵的东西分一 Tom was so (angry)Tom was so___(angry)that he said is becoming___(hard)to find a job in China.Can you show me___(near)shop here?___(good)city,___(good)life.China is one of ___(large)countries in the word.The boy is ______to work out the pr 有谁能告诉我say look how long no I just want to say,Long time no see 这个的意思 say、see的现在进行时 can过去式如题 -Please don't do it again.的肯定回答-Please don't do it again.请下次不要这样做了.-________.是,我不会这样做了.A.Sorry/No,I won't . B.Yes,I will. C.Yes,I won't . D.Sorry/No,I will.急!! don\'t Please don·t late school again填什么?为什么? 英语翻译翻译,谢咯 (1/2)这是一首女生唱的英文歌,很动感,很好听.歌词有:Boys and girls … You want it ,you get it … 求英文歌名,开头是一个很像布兰妮的女声if you want it,come and get it声音很像布兰妮的,但又好像不是,开头是刚说的那句,然后是一段男声Rap,接着再是女声唱,其中有一段那个女的有唱到“I'm a bad 找女慢摇.开头是Hey boy.Hey boy.高潮是:Boys and girls什么什么,you want it you get it.请认真回答,不会的别乱答. 谦虚 英文 how to learn Chineseplease speaking in English Answer my questions,please. say゛You can die是神马意思? Can we never say goodbye?神马意思? 谦虚的英文 请问you can never have too many friends 我对一个陌生的外国人说高兴成为你的朋友,他居然回了这句,把我气个半死,不过还是想弄懂,实在不敢相信还有这么不懂礼貌的人,那个老外到是什么心